Regular price $1,000.00

控 制 程 序 4721

Coordinate with MCP/CP 4721, Domain Control Program 4721 is the ceremonial title of the Domain Space (DS) agency as a single enitity. With separate concern DCP controls operation of  a TLD (top level domain) in the DS scheme implemented at the ops level largely by running instances of the Czech FRED system. 

The DCP architecture is oriented to DevOps with a combination of lisp, prolog, and haskell  supporting a generic knowledge engineering platform for domain driven development. The Boot KEE is the primary element synthesizing these as the high level DCP as a comprehensive domain space knowledgebase above the MCP automation for FRED and besides other administrative whole space functions.

The price shown here has the use described on this Shopify store's front page, the actual product is bundled with DS subscription entitlements.